hmmmmmmmmm.......: possibilities...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


sculptureSudden job interview today - got the call yesterday. It's at a school for kids who need a second chance - "at-risk students and high school dropouts who are ages 16-21 and who have been under-served and /or disconnected from traditional education."

This reminds me of my time at Shabazz in Madison, although those kids were probably from a higher class/economic status, on average, than the students I'd be teaching here. I loved the opportunity to work more closely with individual students and to help identify their specific obstacles, try to help them solve their particular issues, try to connect them with the content we were studying. That's the type of work I'm hoping to do with a special ed degree.

The position is history - purely history - which is unusual in itself, and of course, something I'd love.

Can I do this? I don't know. It depends a lot on class size. Traditional class size - no. If they are smaller groups, I might manage it. Especially if it's some kind of alternative teaching style.

Although.... I've failed so much. Failed to create lesson plans, above all... Failed to grade and input grades... But I have more emotional tools now, thanks to my time in the psych program... But I'm still procrastinating and not doing what I'm supposed to do, when it comes to schoolwork.

Anyway it's interesting and I will go and see what it's like.

Have heard through the grapevine that there's pretty much zero chance of me getting my friend's soon-to-be-vacated position. Ah well. I was terrified of it anyway.

Marriage is MUCH improved. Very, very good conversation and connection in therapy on Sunday. Normality is somewhat restored after a while of thinking we might split up at any moment. We are still taking it as it comes, one day at a time, but those days are going well so far.

So, you know. Options. Choices. Life.

1 comment:

miriam said...

: ) Great ending. Good luck! (with job)