hmmmmmmmmm.......: comforting thought

Thursday, August 03, 2006

comforting thought

so, as i sat here wondering how i was going to study for my test on Friday and also research and write a paper by Monday, i did think of one good thing.

if i really don't quite make it by the deadline... if the grade change doesn't go through or the prof is out of town... it probably won't make any difference because i don't need certification to sub.

it doesn't look like i'm going to get a job for the fall anyway. so i'll probably be subbing, either way.

and i can sub without being certified, and i can even job hunt for the spring semester if i've completed all the requirements--i get a piece of paper that says i will be certified after the next graduation date rolls around.

so i'll just keep trying to get through all this. and remember that it's not the end of the world... if i don't quite make all the deadlines... i'm still so close to being done, i'll still be done with everything within the next month and i'll still be able to get on with my life.

crying with exhaustion, at 5:30 a.m. wishing loopy were here or i were there. wishing i were already done with everything. damn.


Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

oh babe, don't fret... you have made amazing progress and i'm so proud of you for getting this much work done and for learning so much about yourself in the process. it's a PROCEESS, no matter how much we want to see it as a linear operation with a clear beginning and a clear ending. life just isn't like that, sweetheart.

i hope you get rest today and study for that exam and realize that you're going to be fine through all this.

see ya soon! i miss you.


nadine said...

Keep putting one foot in front of the other, my friend. You'll get where you want to go

birdfarm said...

i wrote back to Loopy via email; thank you for writing, Bean, especially when you must be so busy... it helps *a lot* to know someone's out there on the other end of this. xoxox