hmmmmmmmmm.......: blame the chicken

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

blame the chicken

persons with my predisposition toward worry and obsession should just not buy raw chicken. that is my conclusion.

i had kind of an unpleasant day for a lot of reasons. didn't get work done. had a flashback while doing my walking meditation. felt lonely.

i'm practicing staying with my feelings, breathing through them (you know, like lamaze, except all the friggin' time).

so far, that has not magically made everything better. but then, nobody promised that it would. the idea is mostly to stop making things worse.

so among the things i did today instead of working was grocery shopping.

when i got home with the raw chicken (the co-op didn't seem to have any frozen) i wondered what to do with it—it seemed i remembered Loopy doing something complicated.

i googled "how to freeze chicken."

long story short, i stopped breathing through my feelings somewhere during the chicken processing process.

first i messed up the entire kitchen and used up all the paper towels. then i cleaned obsessively and washed my hands about five billion times.

i'm still certain that i've contaminated everything and that the whole place is crawling with poisonous germs.

bring home some clorox, kay Loopy?


Ang said...

Well, you need not feel lonely. Come to my house tonight and eat and laugh.

Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

you bought legs? i wanted breasts? legs?

just kidding, anything you buy is fine! you love me, you really love me! (say it in the Sally Fields voice, with me). :)

shakha said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better, this doesn't really say as much about you as it does chicken. I mean, chicken does this to EVERYONE. The only person I've ever met who doesn't have issues with raw chicken is my mother. And that's because she grew up killing them on a farm (seriously). I have an iron stomach. But there's something that always turns it when I deal with chicken. And then I freak out. So, chicken: 5 trillion; humanity: 1. Unless you're thinking of who kills whom, in which the result is reversed. But then again, maybe chicken will get its revenge with bird flu. We'll see...

goblinbox said...

It's my belief that, if you are what you eat, chickens are entirely too stupid to be food.


birdfarm said...

thanks for all the comments, friends....

Mush, for the first time (well at least since the whole toilet-blockage incident) I am forced to disagree with you. Chickens are too stupid to be anything but food. They're food on legs. Like sheep.

I just worry that they're too dirty to be food.