hmmmmmmmmm.......: halfway point

Thursday, December 29, 2005

halfway point

"So, Loopy, what do you miss most?" I asked, as we sat through the titles for "Sex & the City" that we usually skip over. "The satellite TV with the pause button & commercial skipping? Or the dogs? Or the house? Or not having to see Mom & Dad every day? Wait, scratch that last one, that's too easy."

"You know what I miss most," said Loopy, picking irritably at the sock she's knitting. "The Ott light next to my bed. There is no fucking light in this hotel room, there's no light in Mom & Dad's apartment—I've been knitting in the dark for a week."

I just thought all you knitters would really appreciate that one.

Me, I really miss the dogs.

1 comment:

goblinbox said...

Knitting in the dark = no fun.