hmmmmmmmmm.......: madteach

Monday, January 17, 2005


i started a new blog, which will be public, about public school teaching. I think it will be sort of a melange of my perceptions & experiences as a new teacher, and commentary on educational philosophy and pedagogy. i'm going to put all my notes on it from my student teaching and from books i've read, etc. i hope it will be a useful reference for me--a sort of clearinghouse for all the frantic scribblings & interesting books of the last two years--and while i'm at it, maybe someone else will read and comment. who knows.

i'm still setting it up, so don't link people to it yet, but here it is if you want to check it out. i will still post my innermost thoughts here, so if that's in the least bit interesting to you, well, you know you're always welcome. :-)


nadine said...

When we chatted recently you had a great story about your kids. A little illustrative of how you've changed and learned as a teacher but mostly a funny and very human story. Are you thinking of writing some of those down as well, just to remember? Then again my brain is a sieve and yours isn't - you'll probably remember it whereas I might not. Chip has come to learn that movie watching is one of those things that pours out of my brain. Often I'll forget that I've seen a movie, or I'll remember that we saw it and overall how I felt about it, but don't ask me what happened or who was in it. Hope all's well
- n

birdfarm said...

hmm, well, either you have forgotten how much of a sieve my brain is, or it has gotten worse with age.

i tend to think the former, because i also tend to think that you may possibly have picked up the phrase "my brain is a sieve" from me...i don't know where i picked it up, but i know i've been saying it forever.

along these lines...what story? :-) remind me & i'll post it. at the moment i'm pretty exhausted and pissed and a lot of the events of student teaching are passing out of my head, but i would like to remember.