hmmmmmmmmm.......: christmas comments

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

christmas comments

1. The following lyric/tune from "Sleigh Ride" (you know—"Just hear those sleigh bells jingling,
ring ting tingling too...") is stuck in my head, even though it's patently wrong:

Giddy-up, giddy-up, giddy-up, it's grand
just holding your hand
we're walking in a wonderworld of sand

It happens every year. It used to annoy me, but now it amuses me.

2. Loopy and I have agreed that pies are dangerous. Dangerous and sneaky. You can just be minding your own business and suddenly pie gets in your mouth. We've lost half a pecan pie and two-thirds of a pumpkin pie that way. It's downright scary really.

3. Joel is coming to visit! Tomorrow! Yay!!!! (well actually today). It's now 2:28 a.m.; do we think he's already awake and packing? (how do I know he decided not to pack until this morning early? i just know, okay??)


goblinbox said...

I used to be a professional Christmas caroller. Your lyrics are not only funny, THEY HURT.

Pie is very, very dangerous. To quote a friend from college: "BIG GIRL WANTS PIE!!!"


birdfarm said...

Faustus, is that supposed to be a contradiction of what I wrote? I'm just wondering....

Goblinbox, I'm glad you like the lyrics. Sadly, all the pies were lost soon after to the dangerous pie-gets-in-your-mouth phenomenon. I'm sorry I haven't been by your blog in a while. Bad cyberfriend. Will visit v soon. xoxo.