hmmmmmmmmm.......: morphine & Farsi

Friday, September 15, 2006

morphine & Farsi

We saw the specialist today for Loopy's back and he prescribed morphine and trazodone, promising that once she got going on that she'd sleep for a couple days. She took the pills and seemed fast asleep for like an hour and a half, and I was really optimistic. But no. Back up again. *sigh* Hopefully the effect will be cumulative, starting, like, tomorrow. He's also arranging for a steroid shot into the, uh, affected area (not to get too gory with the details). Hopefully that will be soon, like, tomorrow. *sigh* again.

This whole series of posts is so split-personality, but what can I do? I'm so excited about the Iran trip. I bought a phrasebook and CD tonight as well as a guidebook. I'm still awake at 1 am because I read through the whole phrasebook. It was fascinating to see all the cognates to, like, every language I've ever learned or seen on a restaurant menu. I guess that's what happens when you live at the center of the world.

Loopy needs me to go deal with the dogs so I'll write more tomorrow.

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