hmmmmmmmmm.......: is this a good omen?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

is this a good omen?

last week I talked to one of my favorite people, Syylviaaaah, aka Swylve, from college, and she had this to say:
"My fall predictions are as follows. First, the Red Sox will be creamed in the playoffs, then Kerry will be creamed in the election, then I will be creamed in my job search."

(To which I responded something highly inappropriate along the lines of, "god, wouldn't it be awesome if the Red Sox would finally make it!!!! -- er, um, I mean, not that I don't hope that Kerry--I mean, of course, I'm sure you'll be fine, I mean, I hope your job search goes well too.") (Yeah, right, some friend I am, eh!)

Anyway, although I don't have anything good to say about Kerry (his rants about getting tough on Iran are infuriating! -- and check out his website where he promises lucrative oil contracts to any European countries that will join us in Iraq--i.e., European ruling class sends their poor soldiers to mix their entrails with ours in Iraq; European ruling class gets oil profits; Iraq gets screwed some more; etc....), I have finally given in to the pervasive hysteria and decided to actually hope he'll win. Art Spiegelman's portrayal of third-party voters as ostriches, and Michael Moore's comment, "so you'll vote third party and then you'll feel so pure, so good, for about five minutes. Didn't your parents tell you in high school--five minutes of feeling good can have lifelong consequences????" have both had an impact. But inasmuch as the election can be considered a referendum on Bush, I do want to see Bush go down, and indicate to the rest of the world that we are paying attention at least a little bit. OK, yes, if we vote Dem we are endorsing their slide to the right; we are saying that no matter how far right they go we will still vote for them; hence we are essentially assisting in the destruction of our erstwhile two-party state (which, bad as it was, is still better than the one-party state we are becoming...)... but as all my heroes also point out, elections are essentially irrelevant to the real business of organizing and changing things...... so if they're so irrelevant, it can't hurt to vote for K. Can it?

Anyway, so after being down 3-0, the Red Sox are now in the process of winning their third game vs the Yankees. (Yes, the Mets were in this position just a couple years ago, and they still choked, but it ain't over til... well you know.) So I return to my initial question: is this a good omen?

Only time will tell.

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