hmmmmmmmmm.......: in which I begin to personify my blog and thereby confirm suspicions of insanity

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

in which I begin to personify my blog and thereby confirm suspicions of insanity

So, like, last week I supposedly had this big breakthrough, see, and I was all dedicated and doing all this work with no problem.

I finished a big piece of my unfinished work—a lesson plan on the Palestine/Israel conflict—and thought to myself, "I'll just get started on the next thing and then I'll blog about how I'm doing so great and everything!"

I was really looking forward to that post. I even had the illustrations picked out & everything.

But, somehow then things sorta slowed down...I finished that thing, oh, Saturday I guess...and somehow not much has happened since...

...and today it was back to the old pattern, where everything seemed optimistic in the morning but now it's 6:08 pm and I haven't accomplished anything, besides eating the last piece of pecan pie from Thanksgiving, and doing some impressive tricks with my magic wand. Not at the same time.

It seems like it's been a while since I blogged, but when I thought about posting, I felt like the blog itself was almost a reminder of my failure, for not being able to post that highly-anticipated "I'm doing so great!" post.

Which is ridiculous, obviously. I did finish a lesson plan, after all—a forty-seven page lesson plan.
Forty-seven pages? Gee, birdfarm, doesn't a lesson plan usually take, oh, eight or ten pages, fifteen at most? Who the hell writes forty-seven-page lesson plans?

Yeah, I know, I know, that's my whole problem, you think I don't know that?

Anyway. So since I don't have that post to post, here is a different post.

Check out the dogs in their Hallowe'en costumes! Whee!

See, Jackie is a spider.
Gracie is laughing at her.
But just wait... Gracie will have her turn.
Gracie is a pumpkin.
She doesn't like it.
We took it off after the photo. But she was very cute!

There. Ya got yer post. I hope you're satisfied.

Not you, gentle reader. The damn blog. Hmph.

1 comment:

goblinbox said...

Isn't it weird how we get all weird about our blogs?

Silly us.

Wait, did you say 40+ page lesson plan?!??!?