hmmmmmmmmm.......: i've officially lost it

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

i've officially lost it

i used to call my students "guys" or "hey!" last year. (as in, "hey! quit shoving! get in line!")

this year i've switched to "ladies and gentlemen," after noticing how much nicer it sounds when other teachers say it. it also makes the rest of the sentence come out nicer, as in, "ladies and gentlemen, please stop shoving each other and stand in line appropriately!"

(the Gary Larsen cartoon of the man talking to the dog, and all the dog hears is "blah blah blah Ginger," pops into my head, which leads me to the memory of the grown-ups on Charlie Brown cartoons and their indecipherable "mwah mwah" speech.... didn't take my ADD pills today, and i kinda forgot how i am without them - it's actually not all bad...)


i just accidentally started to address the dogs as "ladies and gentlemen" right before telling them to "get over here."

there went my last marble.

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