hmmmmmmmmm.......: two funny mistakes

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

two funny mistakes

1. This afternoon a child brought me a piece of cake from another teacher. I was screaming at my students as usual and they were tearing the room apart as usual. In the middle of this I thought...I'm just gonna eat this damn cake. So I did. Unfortunately the principal happened by at that moment and thought she saw Nero fiddling while Rome burned (tho really, "Rome" is already in ruins and Nero might as well be Bobo (the clown)... So I got chewed out but didn't cry... The whole thing was really quite funny and while I was getting chewed out the two vice principals were trying not to laugh.
2. After all that I got out to Loopy's car, which I've been borrowing lately cuz I wrecked my own, and saw that I'd forgotten to remove the magnetic bumper sticker that reads, "if you're gonna ride my ass at least pull my hair." sigh.

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