hmmmmmmmmm.......: getting used to Chicago

Friday, June 08, 2007

getting used to Chicago

I called a restaurant to ask how far north they deliver.

"To Addison," they say.

"Great!" I say. "We'll call right back."

As I flip through the menu, I contemplate that in New York, they would have said, "to 45th Street," or something, and for the first time, it seems dull to me that the streets in NYC just have numbers instead of names.

(Up to now it has seemed incredibly irritating that Chicago streets have all these names instead of simple, easy-to-understand numbers).

Wow. Maybe I could really get used to this. :-)


MaineCliffDweller said...

Lived in Chicago for 10 years and 6 years later have forgotten most of the street names and which street comes before which and what the street numbers mean. Now I have to remember fire road numbers!

Cool blog, thanks for sharing

miriam said...

tee hee! i've been spending time in milwaukee where they *do* have street numbers, and marveling at how much easier this makes life...reverse...however i am haunted by chicago street names, and get lost occasionally thinking *this addison* might get me to *this clark*, only it won't. the major reprieve comes from the fact that amy lives in the near south side where most street names are state/city names, not true of the parts of chicago i have inhabited...